A Dose of Hart and Soul

by Cassidy Ash

This wonderful article comes our way courtesy of inourharts.com and was done to honor Owen Hart. I hope everyone will enjoy reading as much as we did and will click the link to continue on the inourharts.com site to finish a wonderful tribute.

A little note for Owen:
“One for love. One for truth. One for me, one for you. Where we once were divided, now we stand united. We stand as one… undivided.”

The words of one of Owen’s favorite artists (and mine for that matter) ring true every time I watch the Hart Foundation. Today, as I see

A Dose Of Hart and Soul

A Dose Of Hart and Soul

photos and messages and all the love pouring in from our social media wrestling universe, I think the song is also true for us self professed “Owenites”. We are undivided in our continuing love for a man so unique, he stands as one of the best of all time. With wrestlers coming and going at an immense rate we sometimes forget. However, wrestling has never forgotten Owen Hart.

Here I sit, proud of Kris and I’s little piece of Owen heaven! Sure we’ve had a rough past year with losing a chunk of our gallery in the server move and having the site go down for a while, but we aren’t going anywhere. To celebrate our beloved prankster we will be posting a new album to the gallery, each and every day of May (And well of course beyond that too). This is a way to not only re-build what we lost but re-live some of Owen’s greatest moments.

Owen has touched my life for years now, a model for how to be a great honest person and a loyal friend. Someone who made me smile when I was sad through some of the worst of my life experiences. I changed my twitter handle when I re-joined it a few years back to “theowenhartfan” because I had become known as “the Owen fan” in my circle of wrestling friends. Why? Because he’s simply one of the most versatile wrestlers in the business. To me a great wrestler is the guy/girl who can do it all: wrestle a great match that isn’t predictable, doesn’t rely on the same five moves of doom, can talk the talk, and has a real personality/character. That is why Owen is one of the greatest of all time.
When I was in college this year we were told to write a “feature” on anyone or anything we wanted. Being me, I chose Owen Hart. The following piece is the simple feature I wrote. I want to say thank you to my dear friend Jason for spending an afternoon on the phone with me, your impressions forever make me laugh.



So, I hope you all enjoy the feature and maybe laugh a little!
~Admin Ash (@theowenhartfan)

A dose of “Hart and soul”
~By Cassidy Ash (April 2014)

The crowd emits a passionate roar, as the lights shine bright, witnessing an absolute spectacle. They watch and become enthralled in a world of sweat, athleticism and strength. This is a world where careers are made; stories are told and only the best rise above, to deserve the adulation of millions. That world is professional wrestling and that once in a lifetime person was Owen Hart. CONTINUE HERE


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